#!/bin/bash # Script pour utiliser pluzz.fr # v0.3 (14 janvier 2011) if [ $# != 2 ] then printf "Syntaxe: $0 [url|play|record] http://www.pluzz.fr/...\n" >&2 exit 1 fi command="$1" url="$2" if [ "$command" != 'url' -a "$command" != 'play' -a "$command" != 'record' ] then printf "Command must be 'url', 'play' or 'record', not '$command'\n" >&2 exit 2 fi video_page_url=$(wget -qO- "$url" | grep -o 'http://info.francetelevisions.fr/?id-video=[^"]\+') stream_url_part2=$(wget -qO- "$video_page_url" | grep urls-url-video | sed 's/.*content="\(.*\)".*/\1/') ext=${stream_url_part2##*.} if [ "$ext" = 'wmv' ] then stream_url_part1='mms://a988.v101995.c10199.e.vm.akamaistream.net/7/988/10199/3f97c7e6/ftvigrp.download.akamai.com/10199/cappuccino/production/publication' elif [ "$ext" = 'mp4' ] then stream_url_part1='rtmp://videozones-rtmp.francetv.fr/ondemand/mp4:cappuccino/publication' else printf "Extension not managed : '$ext'\n" >&2 exit 3 fi stream_url="$stream_url_part1/$stream_url_part2" if [ "$command" = "url" ] then printf "$stream_url\n" elif [ "$command" = "play" ] then if [ "$ext" = 'wmv' ] then vlc "$stream_url" else flvstreamer -r "$stream_url" | vlc - fi elif [ "$command" = "record" ] then output_file=${stream_url##*/} printf "Recording to $output_file...\n" if [ "$ext" = 'wmv' ] then vlc "$stream_url" ":sout=#std{access=file,mux=asf,dst=$output_file}" else flvstreamer -r "$stream_url" -o "$output_file" fi fi exit 0